STC Partners
We are STC Partners
Our mission is to deliver high quality real estate projects, focused on sustainability and with significant added value. Based on strategic objectives placed in time, a long-term vision and healthy organizational culture, the company aims to become a standard of professionalism in this area of activity.
Reason vs Emotion
We take a holistic view of the real estate market, making the most of the uniqueness of each opportunity considering the context and specific particularities at that time. Therefore, we apply a highly data-driven approach to our decision-making process and select only those projects where we know we can make a difference.
Our team has vast experience in screening investments, optimizing the capital structure, managing the execution of the opportunities, and ensuring the projects’ overall success. We build upon our extensive in-house capabilities and collaborate with excellent reputational companies in the industry to successfully deliver our projects. We cover all the relevant details and continuously seek the best solutions.
Rațiune vs Emoție
Privim piața imobiliară într-un mod holistic, fructificând la maxim unicitatea fiecărei oportunități considerând contextul și particularitățile la momentul respectiv. Prin urmare, aplicăm o abordare bazată pe date în procesul nostru de luare a deciziilor și selectăm doar acele proiecte în care putem aduce valoare adăugată semnificativă.
We analyze investment opportunities and select only the sustainable projects where we can bring significant added value.
We obtain the necessary funding and maintain an optimal capital structure for the execution of the opportunity.
Project Management
We track the projects step by step and we are actively involved in finding the best solutions, in order to carry out each project successfully.
Contact Us
We are looking for new opportunities, potential investors and to expand our network of collaborators. You can contact us through the presented form or write us an email directly.
Bulevardul Nicolae Titulescu, Nr. 48, Etaj 3, București.
Send us a message!
Suntem în căutare de noi oportunități, potențiali investitori și să ne lărgim rețeaua de colaboratori. Ne puteți contacta prin formularul de mai jos sau scrie un e-mail direct la
Ești la un mesaj distanță de noi! Contactează-ne pentru orice întrebare în legătură cu proiectele noastre.
Bulevardul Nicolae Titulescu, Nr. 48, Etaj 3, București.